Goodbye, T9K.


Well-Known Member
First off, I'd like to thank you all for the experiences you've given me from gaming here. I didn't do much except Minecraft, although the few times I hopped on other games it was always a blast.

Secondly, I'm not leaving everything. I've made some good friends and I plan to stick around Mumble and occasionally hop on Beta/Classic every once in a while. I'm only leaving the forums, really. As of 10 minutes ago, I deleted the bookmark and won't be coming back very often. If you need me, find me on Mumble or hop on my server (those of you who need to, know the IP).

Team9000's community is great, and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.

Stay Frosty;

You say that now but we'll still be seeing you in two weeks :p. Once you've joined you can never escape!
goodbye, im sure we've all had our pleasant with you, have a good life, etc.

you will be back, the gods decree it.
Goodbye TheGurw, it was nice knowing you! (Kinda, I don't know you that well):p

It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
:mays: You deserve it