GPU's For The Confused.

I know a decent amount about CPU's, MOBO's, and RAM but I have no idea what GPU"s specs mean at all.
Anyways a friend of mine who plays portal 2, walking dead, and borderlands (maybe borderlands 2). He needs a good ivdeo card so he doesn't have to cut corners and can go with the usual high graphics settings.

EDIT: Would this work?:

Please leave suggestions below.
That card is really weak. It's not really a gaming card, more of just a display card. I don't trust low end cards that, they just look way too cheap to be reliable. It probably can only run Portal 2 and Borderlands at very low settings.

Grab a 6870 or a 550ti. They go for about $150 but they're much, much better than this card you've selected and can run those games you described at high settings.