
I'm kinda cofused, New guy being an active member, guys hugging each other, tits are actually bird relatetd... am I at Bizzaro World?! XD
So why the name "GreenEarth", Mr GreenEarth? Also; can I get sandwiched between you and DC in that hug PLES? <3

Once upon a time I used to play the Yu Gi Oh card game a shit load, like starting 4th grade, my usernames were always "DragonMaster" :cool::cool::cool: then when gmail came out I was in like the 6th grade, DragonMaster was already taken, so I came up with GreenEarthDragon since at the time I was sort of going into my science / environmental phase or learning about it anyway. Then after that I remember a couple of games didn't have space for the whole name GreenEarthDragon so I shortened it to GreenEarth. It really solidified when I played Quake 3 Arena for 2 nonstop years online with clans etc with the name GreenEarth. Also anywhere on the internet you see that name its most likely me.

You can get sandwiched, however I lost count of how many people are in this grewp hawg.

Dutch: groen aarde
Danish: grøn jord
Norwegian: grønt jord
Swedish: grön jorden
Finnish: vihreä maa
Icelandic : grænt jörð
German: grün erde
French: terre verts
Once upon a time I used to play the Yu Gi Oh card game a shit load, like starting 4th grade, my usernames were always "DragonMaster" :cool::cool::cool: then when gmail came out I was in like the 6th grade, DragonMaster was already taken, so I came up with GreenEarthDragon since at the time I was sort of going into my science / environmental phase or learning about it anyway. Then after that I remember a couple of games didn't have space for the whole name GreenEarthDragon so I shortened it to GreenEarth. It really solidified when I played Quake 3 Arena for 2 nonstop years online with clans etc with the name GreenEarth. Also anywhere on the internet you see that name its most likely me.

You can get sandwiched, however I lost count of how many people are in this grewp hawg.

Dutch: groen aarde
Danish: grøn jord
Norwegian: grønt jord
Swedish: grön jorden
Finnish: vihreä maa
Icelandic : grænt jörð
German: grün erde
French: terre verts

Neuken ja ik kan nu op magische wijze Nederlands te spreken.

You guys are the best teachers ever.