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Griefer Protection idea (theory)


New Member
So, from what I've gathered by the Wiki, you can protect signs with the /cprivate command. I have done this before so I am certain. From what I have inferred from other players, protecting a sign also protects the block that it has been placed on. So, why don't people (if they have wooden houses [this only matters for appearence]) place protected signs all over the inside of their house. If their house is wooden, there won't be much of an architectural difference and griefers won't be able to destroy your house! Does this actually work?
a) its been done
b) if LWC fails, so does protection
c) its not used as it has some limitation (sign is nonsolid block => corners are problems etc)
d) costs 6,5 planks per protected block, doesnt stack = hard to use
e) whitelisted areas
:( I know. :csi: But I'll have to try eventually. I'm not talking about straight off the bat cover your house with signs though...
Easy solution: Make your walls 3 thick, where the outer layer is the outer wall, the middle layer is locked furnaces, and your inner layer is the inside of your building. Looks good, is practically grief-proof even if LWC crashes, and you get peace of mind.

Or you can do what I do, which is make your building out of obsidian.
K I'll do that.

EDIT: Furnaces take a lot of stone, so I'll have to make a cobblestone generator...
I got some stacks of cobblestone if you want, I don't go on the server anymore so I got a few materials hanging around someplace.
Feone accomplished this. Check the tower just west of spawn, I tested it out and found 2 holes (which were fixed) and then I could not get in. When I was in tho I couldn't get out (dropped in from the roof, couldn't place blocks inside of the house) so I was trapped. Might be a good greif trap :p