Griefers Revenge: Short Story


New Member
Damn it, he spleefed me again. I never know who that griefer is, but he always gets me. I never know how to catch him. It's like a serial killer. But this guy always goes after me.

I am stuck at the bottom of a pit he dug, as I talk to you. He pushed me in, and I swore it went millions of blocks down. Then the griefer sealed me inside, I would have spawned, but the stuff I was building was too hard to find, and it was already destroyed. I also saw this guy on New Years. He built a black cage around me, filled with lava. The physics aren't on in Team 9000, so the lava can't kill me, but it's mildly disturbing.

One day I found him though, and his IP was ban, Thank God. But still, I am sure, his little griefer friends will still come after meh. But at least I was victorious in my last battle.