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Griefers suck

Ummmm.....yes, they do suck....they always have and always will....pointless question really :confused:
Ummmm.....yes, they do suck....they always have and always will....pointless question really :confused:
......*sigh*Your at team9000 and I think you have read the rules.If you did then you would know that we don't allow griefing.And if you know that then you should know that none of us like it so why ask?
......*sigh*Your at team9000 and I think you have read the rules.If you did then you would know that we don't allow griefing.And if you know that then you should know that none of us like it so why ask?
Yes I have the rules and yes it does state that it is against the rules, but what does that matter to this. We all know they do it still and that is why we have to join up together to stop them.
Here's one of my new ones not that good but alright


  • screenshot_20120702203842.png
    680.1 KB · Views: 126
Yes I have the rules and yes it does state that it is against the rules, but what does that matter to this. We all know they do it still and that is why we have to join up together to stop them.
....There is no way that WE could stop ALL of the minecraft greifers