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2 griefers in this post

Player superslut made a peni* on the wall of guest (player made glass wall)

Pictures of proof:
When he started making it:

First block:


Player kuponk tried to fill my house with TNT

Pictures of proof:
At start:


I have to report this guy, or he's just gonna do it to someone else. Wingshafts totally wrecked my couple hours of work right in front of me. This happened on 10/15/2010 at approx 7 am EST. If you can view his chat log he admits to it, and tells me now I'm gonna have to rebuild it. Its what I get for building on guest, but the world of minecraft would be a nicer place if he gets a ban. Thanks
i was making a blimp on guest and dminer12 (something like that atleast >.< mindblock, numbers are right but not totally sure of other part) came up and started destroying it while i was making it. i managed to make him fall twice but then i gave up. he fell again and then i followed him and he went to someones house and started griefing it too. i have no proof :( but he did it. idk if some1 banned him yet but its possible as before i logged off some1 else got griefed so if u want proof ask around to ppl
my building mysteriously disappeared......
same with alotta other buildings so idk wuts going n but i think not something good
my building mysteriously disappeared......
same with alotta other buildings so idk wuts going n but i think not something good

This was probably due to the guest being changed out. If you look in one of the older guest you might find it.