Guess I'll finally make an intro :P


New Member
With 37ish hours logged and cool ranked, figured I'd finally say hi.

I'm 22, living in the USA with my gf. Figured I'd check out minecraft after JIG did another review on it, singleplayer seemed boring, and at the time the t9k server was near the top of the list, so I jumped in! :)

And now I'm thinking about what I can build when I have downtime at work. I've even had dreams where I'm playing a mix between Minecraft and Bejeweled 3. It's crazy. I didn't even play with Legos or equivalent as a kid.

Hi. =P
Hello, dirty american. D: umm what no no i mean hello Erialcnis :) *hopes the happyface fixes everything to normal*
Hello fellow dirty american!! ^^

What do you do for a living that you can play minecraft in your down time?
Oh, I don't play during my downtime, I just think about what I could make :) But I work at a FedEx hub, overseeing the loading of planes :)