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New Member
I would like to be promoted from guest to cool. My name on Minecraft is treeco123 and I have built a tall tower thing that I am quite proud of and I think it is worth a promotion. I did all of it apart from the moat, the bridge and about 6 red blocks in the doorway. If it is possible to go up 2 or more ranks, I would be pleased for that to happen.
edit: It's been griefed :(
edit2: In the future when I want to be promoted it it okay if I build what I want to get promoted for in single player to prevent griefing?
Nice first submission, keep it up! You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to Cool, but keep up the good work and continue to post your updates to this thrad.
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. Even if you are only guest rank, we still try our best to keep the guest worlds clean and safe for everyone.
I have made a 2 story house with a cellar. The ground floor has 4 rooms, the first floor has 5 rooms, 3 of which are bed rooms, and the cellar has 2 rooms.




Edit: I made a new, smaller tower.
I can't use magma or water until I get promoted. Bookshelves might be a good idea though. How do you get TVs or speakers?
I made a boat.
Thanks. I tried making a sprite once but I had trouble with it.
I have made an oil rig thing without having any idea what they look like.

^^^That is the whole thing.

^^^That's under it.

^^^That's inside the building. I don't know what the big block thing is but I thought something like that ought to be there so I made it. It's probably an engine or something.