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Guest -> Cool


New Member
Hello my fellow Forum member friends.

I am here today to tell you a short story, about a little boy (old now) and his adventure into the amazing world you g33ks call "Minecraft". All the little boy wanted was to become the best there is. And to achieve that he had to make a building. Not just any building, but a building that will BLOW YOUR MIND.

And so he came here, to get cool. Not just any cool, the best version of cool there is. A cool "rank".
Requested and waited for a response. Suddenly he woke up and realized "I'm me".

Yes I made that story up. Good job figuring that out.




By Slojanko (Guest ATM)
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. Even if you are only guest rank, we still try our best to keep the guest worlds clean and safe for everyone.