Guide to being cool: 3 easy steps to being cool.

Trooper's steps on being Super cool:
1. Get a bathtub
2. Get enough Nitroglycerin to fill step 1
3. Put step 1 into step 2
4. Sit in the bathtub
5. Congratz you are now super cool (and possible dead but it was worth it wasn't it:D)
Trooper's steps on being Super cool:
1. Get a bathtub
2. Get enough Nitroglycerin to fill step 1
3. Put step 1 into step 2
4. Sit in the bathtub
5. Congratz you are now super cool (and possible dead but it was worth it wasn't it:D)
Too bad you meant liquid nitrogen. But whatever. btw, nitroglycerin is highly explosive.
Katphish's Complete Guide to Becoming Cool:

As everypony everyhuman everybody knows on T9K, the rankings within our server are as follows:

1. Absolute Zero: People logging in for their first few days on the server, have no commands whatsoever. About 7 percent of Absolute Zeroes are Banned Griefers.

2. Cool: This is the rank that everybody has always dreamed of obtaining, they are the most active in builders and constantly grace the server's chat with their godly golden text.

3. Lukewarm: A rank that, after having obtained it, will seize to produce any creative builds, but will constantly spam "who wants water/lava", fool around and stalk guests endlessly afk-boxxing them or pushing them off cliffs), or stare at holes in random sprites and continuously type "/a", while trying to obtain the love and care of the warmer ranks in order to be promoted to Warm [trust me, I know].

3.5. Somewhat Warm: Former Warm members that, after not logging in to the server so often, have cooled off.

4. Warm: Obtain the Boot, and will have the authority to build in the city under Main. Eager to use their newfound power, they will constantly patrol the server looking for an excuse to /kick another player. Will also kick their builder friends with kick reasons meant to be witty.

5. Warmer: With green text, Warmers are the players who have achieved nearly full trust from the Hot+. They have their own houses in main, can put pretty colors in their text, and are always sought for whenever griefers run rampant.

6. Hot: Can build in Prohills, though I don't see much going on there. . Has cuboid. Hots can promote other players by transferring heat to them.

7. Fire: These players are capable of creating entire worlds within the server through a "Medium Bang". They are also the bringers of Armageddon to the Old Worlds. Has the /solid command which I have no idea what it does.

8. The Sun: Created T9K through the "Between-Medium-and-Large Bang." I dare not write anything else about them, lest I insult them and get banished----- TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOON!!!

9. Notch: Notch's temperature reads somewhere between Googolplex and Infinity. Created Minecraft through the "Big Bang." He has no hope whatsoever of obtaining the "Cool" status.


A. <cool
B. >cool
C. =cool

A. How to Obtain the Status of "Coolness" when you are Somewhat Less Than Cool

1. Type /rules

2. You are now cool

B. How to Reduce Your Coolness Levels to become "Cool"

1. Ask for a demotion/grief. For players Hot+ a simple self-demotion will do (is that even possible).

C. How to stay Cool when you are Cool

1. DO NOT POST A PROMOTION APP AND/OR LET ANYBODY SEE YOUR BUILDS!!! You run the risk of becoming greater than Cool, which is lukewarm and above.
[color=]Katphish's Complete Guide to Becoming Cool:

As everypony everyhuman everybody knows on T9K, the rankings within our server are as follows:

1. Absolute Zero: People logging in for their first few days on the server, have no commands whatsoever. About 7 percent of Absolute Zeroes are Banned Griefers.

2. Cool: This is the rank that everybody has always dreamed of obtaining, they are the most active in builders and constantly grace the server's chat with their godly golden text.

3. Lukewarm: A rank that, after having obtained it, will seize to produce any creative builds, but will constantly spam "who wants water/lava", fool around and stalk guests endlessly afk-boxxing them or pushing them off cliffs), or stare at holes in random sprites and continuously type "/a", while trying to obtain the love and care of the warmer ranks in order to be promoted to Warm [trust me, I know].

3.5. Somewhat Warm: Former Warm members that, after not logging in to the server so often, have cooled off.

4. Warm: Obtain the Boot, and will have the authority to build in the city under Main. Eager to use their newfound power, they will constantly patrol the server looking for an excuse to /kick another player. Will also kick their builder friends with kick reasons meant to be witty.

5. Warmer: With green text, Warmers are the players who have achieved nearly full trust from the Hot+. They have their own houses in main, can put pretty colors in their text, and are always sought for whenever griefers run rampant.

6. Hot: Can build in Prohills, though I don't see much going on there. . Has cuboid. Hots can promote other players by transferring heat to them.

7. Fire: These players are capable of creating entire worlds within the server through a "Medium Bang". They are also the bringers of Armageddon to the Old Worlds. Has the /solid command which I have no idea what it does.

8. The Sun: Created T9K through the "Between-Medium-and-Large Bang." I dare not write anything else about them, lest I insult them and get banished----- TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOON!!!

9. Notch: Notch's temperature reads somewhere between Googolplex and Infinity. Created Minecraft through the "Big Bang." He has no hope whatsoever of obtaining the "Cool" status.


A. <cool
B. >cool
C. =cool

A. How to Obtain the Status of "Coolness" when you are Somewhat Less Than Cool

1. Type /rules

2. You are now cool

B. How to Reduce Your Coolness Levels to become "Cool"

1. Ask for a demotion/grief. For players Hot+ a simple self-demotion will do (is that even possible).

C. How to stay Cool when you are Cool

1. DO NOT POST A PROMOTION APP AND/OR LET ANYBODY SEE YOUR BUILDS!!! You run the risk of becoming greater than Cool, which is lukewarm and above.
What are you smoking? /)^3^(\
What are you smocking? /)^3^(\

A certain type of Pink Weed, found only in the Everfree Forest and given to me by

Katphish's Complete Guide to Becoming Cool:

As everypony everyhuman everybody knows on T9K, the rankings within our server are as follows:

1. Absolute Zero: People logging in for their first few days on the server, have no commands whatsoever. About 7 percent of Absolute Zeroes are Banned Griefers.

2. Cool: This is the rank that everybody has always dreamed of obtaining, they are the most active in builders and constantly grace the server's chat with their godly golden text.

3. Lukewarm: A rank that, after having obtained it, will seize to produce any creative builds, but will constantly spam "who wants water/lava", fool around and stalk guests endlessly afk-boxxing them or pushing them off cliffs), or stare at holes in random sprites and continuously type "/a", while trying to obtain the love and care of the warmer ranks in order to be promoted to Warm [trust me, I know].

3.5. Somewhat Warm: Former Warm members that, after not logging in to the server so often, have cooled off.

4. Warm: Obtain the Boot, and will have the authority to build in the city under Main. Eager to use their newfound power, they will constantly patrol the server looking for an excuse to /kick another player. Will also kick their builder friends with kick reasons meant to be witty.

5. Warmer: With green text, Warmers are the players who have achieved nearly full trust from the Hot+. They have their own houses in main, can put pretty colors in their text, and are always sought for whenever griefers run rampant.

6. Hot: Can build in Prohills, though I don't see much going on there. . Has cuboid. Hots can promote other players by transferring heat to them.

7. Fire: These players are capable of creating entire worlds within the server through a "Medium Bang". They are also the bringers of Armageddon to the Old Worlds. Has the /solid command which I have no idea what it does.

8. The Sun: Created T9K through the "Between-Medium-and-Large Bang." I dare not write anything else about them, lest I insult them and get banished----- TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOON!!!

9. Notch: Notch's temperature reads somewhere between Googolplex and Infinity. Created Minecraft through the "Big Bang." He has no hope whatsoever of obtaining the "Cool" status.


A. <cool
B. >cool
C. =cool

A. How to Obtain the Status of "Coolness" when you are Somewhat Less Than Cool

1. Type /rules

2. You are now cool

B. How to Reduce Your Coolness Levels to become "Cool"

1. Ask for a demotion/grief. For players Hot+ a simple self-demotion will do (is that even possible).

C. How to stay Cool when you are Cool

1. DO NOT POST A PROMOTION APP AND/OR LET ANYBODY SEE YOUR BUILDS!!! You run the risk of becoming greater than Cool, which is lukewarm and above.
Ummm O_O
It's kay haha, just makes you seem a little more like a twelve year old.. :P
Lol Projecto, remember on mumble when you and Stratadon asked me if I was twelve? And since I answered in proper grammar and not "HEY GAIZ I NO R 12!" you could determine that I wasn't twelve. Now we're friends.