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hafiz99 cool ---> builder (:


New Member
Okay ah. I've been waitin a while before deciding to get promoted. Took the time to enjoy being Cool rank. Was fun having a new set of commands and also the ability to help the guests (yes I prioritize them because I know how it feels to be helpless lol).

Well anyway. Cut the talk. Here is my work what I believe was in Guest39. It's a drive in theater (car cinema was what Alfisonson called it lol). There was originally supposed to be a carpark and a huge building behind it but the idea was changed.


There is a shop right beside the parking lots and the theater shows NYANCAT<3 Wished I had more space to make a bigger nyan cat. I truly thank Alfisonson for giving me this idea and trying to help me. Also I thank t7 and The proffesor for the constant help about the griefers. Thank whoever else did help me make this.
This part will be a rant + to congratulate someone.

Well iFaplous had her building with a road. Which I extended to build a house. I made the walls because I had to go. The next day I came back a whole road system was built. And one of the -curse- made a road right above where my house was supposed to be and I had to resection it. I couldn't get any names. Block history was unknown. Then underground someone made another room. He knew I was gonna build my house. But I'm not gonna name him.

Well here it is. A simple building. There's also a garden. And also I didn't take a screenshot of the bathroom.


Thanks to iFapulous for the help. Especially on the 2nd and 3rd level. And congratz on starting the huge road system and also being promoted. The other guy (name started with magnum) who helped me. Thank you too.
I tried moving from simple buildings to other stuff. I made a bottle of ketchup which I failed miserably at. So then I improved and tried making a whale in Cool 44. If one of the awesome rank (his name starts with Dash. I forgot the whole name) it's a whaaale! :B Someone help me show this to him lol. Well anyway. The whale is not one sided. It's coloured on both sides and it's not just a sprite. It actually has a 3d shape although it's not perfect. And it's best seen from a further distance.


I recieved no help on this one so YAY ME :D