Halo 1 Memories


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Was going through my old hard drive files and found this old VHS recording I made in 2002. It took me and a friend several hours to amass grenades, tons of attempts, and a little luck to make it happen. At the time, it was the longest warthog jump I had seen (although watching videos online was not easy back then).

Sonic I actually just fired up and played Halo CE not that long ago. That video is quite awesome btw. I was looking for one of the most epic video's I've ever seen from CE but I can't seem to find it. T9K search time! See if you guys can find it. It's from Halo CE and is a video of Blood Gulch multiplayer splitscreen three player. You see one player with a rocket launcher, they shoot it killing player two, and player three is seen standing there when the ghost suddenly comes flying from up in the air and splatters the third player. The video I seen of this also has the kids talking in the background. Ok everyone... see if you can find it for me!
Wow! My friends and I were never able to get that large of a jump haha. We were more focused on riding in the Warthog while trying to get airborne via grenades, usually trying to angle the warthog on a rock or something. That, Warthog races, underwater battles, and many other forms of tomfoolery. That's just on The Silent Cartographer as well. Halo 1 is essentially the game I played when I was a kid, there are far to many amazing memories to recount. Love the game to pieces.
Oh god, the memories are flooding back. I remember going to lan parties at a young age with my older cousin and I would always have fun watching them duke it out on blood gulch with pistols or race around with warthogs. Good times indeed.
Lol thinking back I have sooo many memories of all of them. The first time I found out about the forge feature and then got my hands on it :sneaky: I laughed maniacally for about 30 seconds as all the ideas came to mind... oh the times... I need to get another multiplayer going I miss it.

On a side note, anyone gotten to play with the avenger elite controller add-on? I own one and OMG! It's lovely! Takes some getting used to but once you do it's second nature. I have mine set up optimally for myself, and find it works for almost anyone...
lol we actually played some halo CE in college, in the computer class, instead of writing our CV's, friend even got a disciplinary for it :D:D fun tiems
I remember playing with my friend halo 1 a long time ago (probably in 2003 or 2004) and all I remember that the pistol was really op and I also remembered that my friend also had the halo xbox which was a clear green plastic. We had some fun times....
Reminds me a time when I would always be beaten by my cousins at Halo CE, and they'd team up on me and beat me, usually ending with me rage quitting.
That drove me to become the best out of all of them.

In the end I smashed them all so hard in a halo 3 match, they never wanted to play with me again and claimed I sacrifice a goat to bungie for my powers.
*sigh* I remember constantly using pistols because I believed they were strangely over powered..... They are strangely over powered... right?
Wow. I played this for a solid 6 years. This was my childhood. I keep threatening to get an old macbook with powerpc just so I can play again.

I spent an enormous amount of time glitching every map doing things like this. I was one of the founders of the {ALB} clan in halo CE if anyone recognizes the name. My name was {ALB}Venom~
I'm thinking about playing them all again... well after I finish up on 4. I still haven't beaten it yet lol.
gamed again today in college, guess who destroyed all his classmates 3 out of 4 rounds? :D
mind the fact that i've never played halo before, aside from once on xbox and it was halo3
I never played the first Halo, but I have a lot of memories from Halo2. Good times, gooooodddd timmeesssss
Oh I still play this on PC like almost every day but people are very slowly losing interest. We need to do a T9k game night with it though.

The game is still pretty fun and fucking infuriating at the same time.
First off you are most likely gonna be playing online which means you are gonna have to lead your shots. Meaning if your target is moving you need to aim ahead in the direction of their movement. Depending on the speed of their movement you will have to lead a lot or by a small amount. Note that these are all hitscan weapons you need to lead with. I don't know what kind of shitty mcshit netcode this is or whatever but older games NEVER had this kind of problem online, Quake, Tribes, Unreal, Serious Sam, the list goes on. Ironically all this fucking leading during games made me a beast at Tribes Ascend when I started playing that cause a lot of weapons there are projectile weapons.

Which leads me right into another issue. Some of the maps on rotation in some servers are just not good maps for CTF. Prime example being goddamn Rat Race. If the server goes up to the full 16 players holy shit this fucking place will just turn into a grenade fest and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, and almost always the team with the flag uphill will win. Danger Fucking Canyon if the teams are even in skill this will just turn into a stalemate. Tunnels are a grenade and heavy weapons fest while the open area is defended with hog turrets, and if you ever make it to base you will always find someone with a fuel rod waiting for you.

This leads me to another issue, a lot of the servers are modded...badly. All rockets, all snipers, infinite nades, fucking tanks everywhere all make getting the flag IMPOSSIBLE. If anyone scores it is pure luck or the other team is busy playing with their dicks. And don't get me started on the health pack teleporters. They lead to really retarded areas or just straight to the other teams base, which makes chasing the flag carrier impossible. Spam fest, rocket fest, vehicle lag, leading bullshit all cripple these servers and will drive you mad thirsty for a normal populated vanilla server (rare).

And when you get to these rare servers you will run into one of the most infuriating problems with online Halo CE. Fucking moderators. I don't know how this happened but most servers up at the moment are clan servers. Clans that take themselves so seriously it will make a hardened serial killer blush. Clans populated by fucking teenagers or preteens with power issues. And some of them are moderators. And they will ban you for retarded ass reason like, cussing, being rude, trolling, breaking the rules. Now these all sound like normal reasons but these mods are itching to ban people and will interpret anything as rule breaking, and the problem is it doesn't apply to everyone. Half the people get away with it and the other half get shit on, and you are forced to trot your retarded ass over to their embarrassing xXxProForeverYoloSwagLickMyFuckingBallsxXx clan website to appeal the ban because there are so many servers left.

Well getting that off my chest felt good. Other than that the game is still enjoyable.

PS: did the xbox version have online play? did you have to lead your shots in online play?

Edit: Also another problem is the unusually large amount of Mexicans that play Halo online. If you get these Mexicans in your server you will get ungodly ping spikes that will make you want to eat shit. And most of them don't speak english so any sort of team communication will be met with, "JAJAJAJJAJAA PUTOS CULOS" or some fucking shit. Don't mean to be rude of course, got nothing against Mexicans.