Halo 1 Memories

the thing I loved about Halo CE was how overpowered the Magnum was. It could kill an Elite in 3 shots to the head.
Sadly no, Halo CE was local or system link only

Everybody loved the magnum, that's a given. The thing i'm surprised that some people don't know is that there was a way for online play via xbox. I know this because I did it. I couldn't remember how to do it now to save my life though. Anyways I remember you didn't really have to lead, only as much as you would via system or split play. The most inevitable thing was always coming against someone that could wield the OP magnum and they'd own you quite a bit. I've lost some of the skills I developed, but I used to be able to snipe people across the gulch with the magnum. The epicness was just crazy.
Everybody loved the magnum, that's a given. The thing i'm surprised that some people don't know is that there was a way for online play via xbox. I know this because I did it. I couldn't remember how to do it now to save my life though. Anyways I remember you didn't really have to lead, only as much as you would via system or split play. The most inevitable thing was always coming against someone that could wield the OP magnum and they'd own you quite a bit. I've lost some of the skills I developed, but I used to be able to snipe people across the gulch with the magnum. The epicness was just crazy.

Well, I just re-installed Halo CE and played it for the first time in ~6 years. My clan's modded server is still up ( {ALB}Black's Server ) and I played a bit. For some reason, the chat is not showing up in-game. So I cant talk or see what anyone is saying, and I can't even see who I killed and all that stuff, so it is rather frustrating. I still have the better part of my skills though.

As I recall, leading was actually built into the game. In the design, the bullets are actual projectiles that take time to get to the destination, so by definition, you have to shoot where the people will be to take into account the time it takes the bullets to get there. I don't know how realistic it is to real life, but I find that this is what makes Halo CE so awesome. It adds a whole other level of skill to sniping which you have to master, which is how to lead someone at varying distances to always get the hits.
agreed strat, I remember there being some lead depending on distance, but the way they were talking about it seemed to me that it was a huge lead which just sounded off to me.
of course there's leading, also op pistol is op, had some fun with it today again :D
also dat zoom makes it a bit weaker sniper rifle pretty much :D
right, I used to piss people off because I'd run around with both pistol's, the mag and the plas, I could drop the plas quick and crap for your shield, and then one or two shots if that and you were dead... friends really got annoyed... then of course in H2 with dual wield I could use em both and own.
of course there's leading, also op pistol is op, had some fun with it today again :D
also dat zoom makes it a bit weaker sniper rifle pretty much :D

I disagree entirely. The pistol and the sniper rifle are 2 completely different weapons used in different situations and they both have advantages and disadvantages. Yes, the sniper can zoom in more, but in close quarters combat where people are moving around a LOT it is virtually useless, and relies heavily on luck to get a kill. It only has 4 shots in a clip and can not be shot as rapidly as a pistol. The pistol dominates at close quarters, but loses effectiveness at greater distances because the scope makes it difficult to aim at targets that are further away.

They are not just similar weapons and one is not clearly better than the other in all cases. Although I enjoy using both the pistol and the sniper, the pistol is by far better because it is so much more versatile in combat. I guarantee that in close quarters combat, I can get a 3sk (3 shot kill) with the pistol before you can even fire your second shot from a sniper. A sniper headshot kill in close quarters is just dumb luck, and the time it takes to land 2 body shots is much slower than the kill time for other weapons such as the pistol.

right, I used to piss people off because I'd run around with both pistol's, the mag and the plas, I could drop the plas quick and crap for your shield, and then one or two shots if that and you were dead... friends really got annoyed... then of course in H2 with dual wield I could use em both and own.

Yes, but the pistols were nerfed so hard in Halo 2. If they kept them the same power, dual wielding them would have been stupidly powerful. Instead it was about the same, so they essentially nerfed it 50%.
Is everyone on 1.08? We should all get on at some point. I have a final tomorrow, so I can't play tonight, but over the weekend for sure.
I disagree entirely. The pistol and the sniper rifle are 2 completely different weapons used in different situations and they both have advantages and disadvantages. Yes, the sniper can zoom in more, but in close quarters combat where people are moving around a LOT it is virtually useless, and relies heavily on luck to get a kill. It only has 4 shots in a clip and can not be shot as rapidly as a pistol. The pistol dominates at close quarters, but loses effectiveness at greater distances because the scope makes it difficult to aim at targets that are further away.

They are not just similar weapons and one is not clearly better than the other in all cases. Although I enjoy using both the pistol and the sniper, the pistol is by far better because it is so much more versatile in combat. I guarantee that in close quarters combat, I can get a 3sk (3 shot kill) with the pistol before you can even fire your second shot from a sniper. A sniper headshot kill in close quarters is just dumb luck, and the time it takes to land 2 body shots is much slower than the kill time for other weapons such as the pistol.

Yes, but the pistols were nerfed so hard in Halo 2. If they kept them the same power, dual wielding them would have been stupidly powerful. Instead it was about the same, so they essentially nerfed it 50%.
hahh, never really meant that, that seriously, only compared them because of the zoom option the pistol has (btw it's pretty damn effective in long range aswell, if you have a good aim) and trust me i should know the difference in weapon classes and usefulness in different scenarios, i do play Counter Strike with rifles/snipers/pistols pretty damn well after all ^.^
I don't have it for PC... or I would lol... anyways I agree about them being ruined in 2, but it made it more challenging for sure.
Well, I just re-installed Halo CE and played it for the first time in ~6 years. My clan's modded server is still up ( {ALB}Black's Server ) and I played a bit. For some reason, the chat is not showing up in-game. So I cant talk or see what anyone is saying, and I can't even see who I killed and all that stuff, so it is rather frustrating. I still have the better part of my skills though.

As I recall, leading was actually built into the game. In the design, the bullets are actual projectiles that take time to get to the destination, so by definition, you have to shoot where the people will be to take into account the time it takes the bullets to get there. I don't know how realistic it is to real life, but I find that this is what makes Halo CE so awesome. It adds a whole other level of skill to sniping which you have to master, which is how to lead someone at varying distances to always get the hits.
I have the same chat issue when I play on my laptop which is running windows 7. That might be the problem.

And no the game does not have leading shots built in. The hitscan weapons are hitscan, when you host a server you don't have to lead but the people joining your server have to lead, which gives crazy advantages to the host. In any case a built in lead mechanic would make absolutely no sense in a mainstream game like Halo, most people just wouldn't grasp the concept.
I have the same chat issue when I play on my laptop which is running windows 7. That might be the problem.

And no the game does not have leading shots built in. The hitscan weapons are hitscan, when you host a server you don't have to lead but the people joining your server have to lead, which gives crazy advantages to the host. In any case a built in lead mechanic would make absolutely no sense in a mainstream game like Halo, most people just wouldn't grasp the concept.

I am not sure you understand what I wrote. Fire the main gun in a scorpion at a target far away and count how long it takes to get there. That is because the bullets fired out of each weapon are physical projectiles in the game that have a specific velocity. It is no different in the pistol or sniper rifle. Each gun is different. The sniper rifle happens to have a very high velocity, but that does not mean that it was designed or is supposed to instantaneously hit whatever you shoot at, such as how hitscan works in later halo versions. I am not saying that they purposely coded leading into the software. It just happened that way because of how fast the characters move compared to how fast the bullets move. I have hosted many of my own servers on Halo CE for mac/windows, and I have always had to lead no matter what. It has nothing to do with lag.

Halo CE, the original halo game for windows/mac, does not use hitscan. I know that later versions of halo do, but the game we are talking about does not.
Everybody loved the magnum, that's a given. The thing i'm surprised that some people don't know is that there was a way for online play via xbox. I know this because I did it. I couldn't remember how to do it now to save my life though. Anyways I remember you didn't really have to lead, only as much as you would via system or split play. The most inevitable thing was always coming against someone that could wield the OP magnum and they'd own you quite a bit. I've lost some of the skills I developed, but I used to be able to snipe people across the gulch with the magnum. The epicness was just crazy.
There definitely is, I think if you tunnel through a host on your PC the Xbox would treat the VPN created between you and others as a LAN. XLink Kai (this website burns my eyes) as an example. It just wasn't a built-in function :P
exactly hawk and I almost think XLink sounds familiar lol. But that was actually the way we'd do it is connect via the computer. Gotta love the game though.
I am not sure you understand what I wrote. Fire the main gun in a scorpion at a target far away and count how long it takes to get there. That is because the bullets fired out of each weapon are physical projectiles in the game that have a specific velocity. It is no different in the pistol or sniper rifle. Each gun is different. The sniper rifle happens to have a very high velocity, but that does not mean that it was designed or is supposed to instantaneously hit whatever you shoot at, such as how hitscan works in later halo versions. I am not saying that they purposely coded leading into the software. It just happened that way because of how fast the characters move compared to how fast the bullets move. I have hosted many of my own servers on Halo CE for mac/windows, and I have always had to lead no matter what. It has nothing to do with lag.

Halo CE, the original halo game for windows/mac, does not use hitscan. I know that later versions of halo do, but the game we are talking about does not.
we're playing completely different games then
Man I gotta start playing Reach again. Stopped playing Halo when I switched from consoles to PC.