Halo vs. Call of Duty

No, just no.
they're 2 completely different games. hard to compare
What else? I don't think I left anything out. Hold on, they are both great game franchises! I suggest for people to buy both, they all have their own unique style of play, and is great for a wide variety of players. You can try to compare them, but fanboys will always say one or the other.
No, just no.

What else? I don't think I left anything out. Hold on, they are both great game franchises! I suggest for people to buy both, they all have their own unique style of play, and is great for a wide variety of players. You can try to compare them, but fanboys will always say one or the other.
id say, enough with teh stupid old age arguments.

id say halo though, because i got eaten alive at a few rounds of horse by briggs or aramat.
id say, enough with teh stupid old age arguments.

id say halo though, because i got eaten alive at a few rounds of horse by briggs or aramat.
Ahh, good times.... We will do more later for sure. Maybe invite more t9kers too!