Halo vs. Call of Duty

/vote COD. Though if it was a choice among any game, then Minecraft (Multiplayer) at the top, closely followed by BFBC2, then MW2.
I like halo, the storyline is really interesting, and you can make your own maps, and people aren't as big of douchebags than in CoD, and also, my friend calls it c*** of doodoo lol
I say both. I am a innate fan of Halo due to the many hours of fond memories related to the series. Namely, in highschool, skipping classes to go and sit in my German teachers room to play her and several other people in Halo:CE on the xbox(and halo 2 when it came out). I am also a fan of the entire CoD franchise, they are solid competition games, easily stepping up to take the place of the previous competition standards of quake, unreal, and counter-strike.
Halo or CoD..... Both had a really crappy idea after they suddenly gained tons of support from the earlier games, tried something new, and people hated it. The only difference is that Halo tried to improve the game for a different type of gamers (Halo Wars) and CoD changed the story into an even lamer story line than the last game (MW2). THATS IT! Halo wins.
patchouli: "IDK It looks like some sort of big cat thing"

"What like a puma?"

"Yeah thats it dude."
"GRiff, you got any more mythical beasts you want to spout off?? Perhaps a unicorn?!"