Hello everyone


New Member
Hi, I just recently got introduced to MineCraft and am now addicted. I would like to focus on building nice Sprite art. I bought the game a day ago and am happy to support something so creative.

I'm a really down to earth guy who tries to get along with everyone, and I try to support everything wherever I go as much as possible. So if you see me online and want to hang out and build cool stuff, or just chat, then hit me up.

Oh and I know it's a bit lame for a newbie such as myself to ask for a promotion so soon, but could I get access to the SpriteBuilding world? I would like to start creating some stuff.
Welcome to Team9000 :)

Typically, people get promoted to artist (the level required for spritebuilder) by starting work on a nice sprite in Guest. If we see you building a cool sprite, we'll promote you and move the sprite.

However, be aware that we've basically stopped promoting for Mario, Zelda, Kirby, and other extremely common sprites.
The trick is build something that either doesnt exist in the museums, or build something that is in the museums but is kinda iffy..
Well, I started building stuff in guest but it was getting greifed every 5 min or so :( so I went to FUN and built DarkDrium. I posted in the credit area. I like the style of the Dragon Warrior monsters...monsters and will make a Deathmore tonight.

They may not be super complex like you see some people make, but I am really enjoying the way they look in game. Thanks for the info.
i recommend getting a screenshot of your work and posting to the "credits" thread on here remembering when your creation happens also helps 'cause wooty can retrieve your creation (er, i think)

anyways. welcome, and hope to see you and your work *waves*