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hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)


New Member
Hi guys,

I finished yesterday a construction on guest 560 ..its some kind of a bar with water surrounding it...its pretty cool. So to get straight to the point....i got griefed...a pretty big grief...buuuut here comes the problem: there were more players that griefed the building by adding and removing blocks...(like a few each) and the admin said that there's a rule that says that u cannot ban someone for less than 18..19..20 blocks of griefed material. Can i suggest that any grief...by any number of blocks...or less than 10 blocks...to be banned?
Its pretty weird and there's very much frustration going on seeing that u are getting griefed and no one can do anything about it...
Example: what if 5..6 players (or even more) start to grief by 10 blocks each randomly ...i would say that the creation would be a pretty damaged structure..and without any real solution against it:)
Hi guys,

I finished yesterday a construction on guest 560 ..its some kind of a bar with water surrounding it...its pretty cool. So to get straight to the point....i got griefed...a pretty big grief...buuuut here comes the problem: there were more players that griefed the building by adding and removing blocks...(like a few each) and the admin said that there's a rule that says that u cannot ban someone for less than 18..19..20 blocks of griefed material. Can i suggest that any grief...by any number of blocks...or less than 10 blocks...to be banned?
Its pretty weird and there's very much frustration going on seeing that u are getting griefed and no one can do anything about it...
Example: what if 5..6 players (or even more) start to grief by 10 blocks each randomly ...i would say that the creation would be a pretty damaged structure..and without any real solution against it:)

The 20-block "rule" is more of a guideline. Mods do give bans if they believe there is "griefing intent", which means that someone who griefs 17 blocks can be banned. The reason we don't often ban for 4-5 block grief is because many players who modify or destroy parts of builds do so unintentionally. Most of the little grief we see are due to player mobility, rather than intentional griefing. For example, a guest who launches Minecraft from a browser may build a 1 x 1 tower that goes through a build because he has no other way of getting to the build, or a guest who makes a 2 x 1 hole in a wall might do so, because the wall is way oversized and is blocking their path. While not encouraged, this kind of "grief" isn't really bannable. If we did ban for that, I'd be banning 100 guests an hour on a 60-player server.

As for the scenario you described, when a build is hit by a team of griefers, if the act is witnessed, the griefers would be banned. But many times, mods don't catch griefers in the act, so the "20-block rule" helps in distinguishing builders from griefers. Unfortunately a few griefers do get away, but it's much better than banning an innocent player and permanently reverting all his hard work because they helped an offline friend punch a few windows in their skyscraper.

The worst feeling a mod here can get is banning the wrong player and seeing all the blocks that person laid just disappear. How do you explain to someone that their bridge build that they spent 3 hours working on was completely wiped because we found a total of 5 missing blocks from 3 other builds with their name on it?
banning the wrong player and seeing all the blocks that person laid just disappear.

This happens frequently(at least I feel like it happens to me frequently), hence the 20 block(ish) 'rule' and an encouragement to use ones own discretion when determining grief ban-worthy-ness. 20(ish) blocks helps to clear up any muddy area.
well i agree that a lot of ppl would be banned using a strict theory of 2...3..4 blocks of grief. still, I think that 10 blocks should be enough.
i guess you can go through every obstacle removing/adding at most 10 blocks.

it might be my frustration due to the griefing that i was victim of.
I've seen people banned for 12 blocks because of like oozi said
oozinator said:
Mods do give bans if they believe there is "griefing intent"
Also if you find 7 blocks of grief on one build, and 13 blocks of grief on another, then it shows that the person is running around griefing things and the blocks deleted add together. Usually if someone is taking 3 or 4 blocks with intent to grief then they would target more than one build.
for example i had my floor griefed...and my fences....randomly...:). u tell me, was there intention?:P:))

That all depends, as it is usually determined by checking in game. I can't speak for others, but griefing and random deletion from people trying to get around tends to look different. It is not a perfect science, but for most of us that have been around for a while can determine it by looking.

Here is the thing though. This rule was put in place from a perspective that caters to the majority of players while at the same time keeping the server manageable and controllable by the moderators. As was stated before, if we just banned people for deleting blocks, no matter how many they deleted, there wouldn't be enough mods to handle it, and if there were then most people would be banned unfairly. The 20 blocks is there to help protect the players while also providing a guideline for new moderators to follow so that they don't wrongly ban someone. Most people who have been around for a while ban for the intention, not the amount of grief. If you have someone who is unsure in game, find another green name or hunt down a red name, as every red name can handle that fine. If you have any issues, you can also send myself or any other admin a private message here, we are more than happy to answer your questions.

Its unfortunate, but this is the best middle ground we have come up with at the moment. While we try to train new moderators the best we can, there will always be unexpected situations they have to deal with and this is one of the things in place to help them with that while protecting the individual players. Also, please keep in mind that we value everyone's opinion, even if we don't agree with it. We always want to hear people's thoughts, and we try and give everything a proper look over, but just because we don't use it doesn't mean we didn't consider it, so please don't be offended. Thanks again, and hopefully we will see you around :)
i am not at all offended, it was just a subject that in my opinion was worth a thought.
i'll just try to keep my build in cool world or something, just to avoid situations that can stress or harm my interior harmony :P
tnx for bothering giving it a thought:)