Hello, I'm Logan.

Welcome to Team9000! I am Pyrhos, the official Team9000 Timelord/Time God now enjoy the coconuts and TF2 gunfire!
and im the last one to comment on this but then again i never post anything on here so you are the one of the few that hear my words of wisdom.
Cow milk is not good for human consumption.
60's Spiderman20.png
It's not that adorable. It looks more like a fire hose that sits on a tripod.
Please refrain from talking about things you cannot respect.

'TIs a fearful machine that cannot be compared to your common Gardenia pipe!
Guess it's time to breast feed again...
You missed the part about "animals naturally weaning their young after they're able to handle normal food." In other words, eating normal food and drinking water/fruit juice is the best thing for you.
You'll rue the day you pry milk from my coffee.

Or I could just go full black coffee, grow a beard and become a man.

Without sugar.

Like how I prefer my toast without butter.

You'll rue the day you pry milk from my coffee.

Or I could just go full black coffee, grow a beard and become a man.

Without sugar.

Like how I prefer my toast without butter.

Coffee, bah. I gather several dozen young virgin coffee plants, and I pop their cherries in one stroke. Pulling out their pure, white souls, I burn them over an open fire for several hours. I proceed to grind their souls into a fine grainy pulp, which I place on a macroporous sheet of wood fibers over top of a shaped ceramic liquid holding device. Pouring scalding hot water over them, the degraded and once-pure souls of the coffee plant give up their essence in the form of a dark brown liquid, which collects in the ceramic device below the sheet. Discarding the ground up, now useless souls, I proceed to drink their essence. I find the taste bitter, but the effects refreshing.
Coffee, bah. I gather several dozen young virgin coffee plants, and I pop their cherries in one stroke. Pulling out their pure, white souls, I burn them over an open fire for several hours. I proceed to grind their souls into a fine grainy pulp, which I place on a macroporous sheet of wood fibers over top of a shaped ceramic liquid holding device. Pouring scalding hot water over them, the degraded and once-pure souls of the coffee plant give up their essence in the form of a dark brown liquid, which collects in the ceramic device below the sheet. Discarding the ground up, now useless souls, I proceed to drink their essence. I find the taste bitter, but the effects refreshing.

So that's how coffee is made... I thought they grew on shelves in the supermarket already freeze dried and packed in jars. :l