Hello, my name is oozinator...


Well-Known Member
... and I'm a T9K-aholic.

Every week, I swear to myself that I would stay off the forums and the server, but I always end up posting in these threads or chatting with my buds in Minecraft. Last week I was so sure I could make it because I had only two days left. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had put a shortcut to this site on my desktop months ago.

I usually don't notice it because I'm usually too busy with something else, but on this particular week, I finished everything on time by accident. I had found out that a paper I thought was due that Thursday was actually due next Thursday.

So bored out of my mind, I hopped onto the 'puter at 8 o'clock in the evening to watch some vids and what not. That's when this guy --> :D appeared.

Snuggled between my "School" folder and "New Text Document" was :D

His overjoyed expression made me forget about the painful realities and pressures of school, work, and family.
Awesomely hypnotic, I became entranced.

Tempting me, daring me to touch him... Awesome face seemed to know what my dreams were...
Unknowingly, I started to forgo food and endure thirst just to look at him. I wanted to click him so bad.

Deep down inside, I knew that doing that would lead me to perdition, but I just couldn't say, "No".

So, God help me, I clicked.

Then I saw a funny thread and clicked some more. Then I began replying to threads, making private messages, refreshing, refreshing, ALWAYS constantly refreshing, and one thing lead to another until *BOOM* I found myself blown to bits by a creeper on SMP.

The time was 6 in the morning, and I had a speech to give in class at 8.

I was wiped...
Not only of my in-game belongings but also physically. And that is when I knew I hit bedrock bottom.

So, I come before you, my friends, in seek of guidance, for I've hurt myself and all those griefers and trolls I kicked while I was on my wild T9K binge. I pray that they will eventually come to understand why I did what I did and that I can face myself again in the mirror one day, in spite of all I've done. I have terrible demons, but I hope that, with your help, that I will overcome at least a few of them.

Thank you.

*sits down on a half-step block*
im constantly refreshing the page every few seconds just hoping that someone replies to a thread i posted in because im lonely and want to be acknowledged. that and im also a fellow T9K-aholic
My name is Ustulo, and I'm a T9K-aholic.
While doing homework, I take ten-minute breaks every thirty seconds of work to come here. From the moment I come home, to the moment I go to bed, I'm always on the forums.
My name is Beese and I'm a T9K-aholic.

It only happened a couple of months ago and ever since, I've been stuck here. It's like a sticky goo that the more you try to escape, the more you want to come back. Although, this goo is soft, warm and has :D all the way through it. Even at school and I'm trying to learn I find myself going back to this site, every lesson I'm on my computer.
Hi i'm Doneyhew, and im a t9k-aholic also.
Since day one of discovering minecraft classic Team9000 has been my favorite server. My schedule on the computer now goes like this:
1. Check Facebook
2. Team9000 forums
3. Log on classic
4. Play classic and refresh forums
And will I ever breeak through this sticky mess of :D and ponies, and herp derps, and chuck testas? How many clicks does it take to get to the center of the internetz? The people of team9000 know, because we are basically the center of the internet. How many internet fads have not been mentioned here? Zero, thats how many.
My name is Vorsprung, and I'mma T9K-a-holic
I got a disease but I don't know whatta call it
...Eminem reference finished.

But in all seriousness, I'm on this site all the time. I spend my free time (and sometimes my not-free-time) on it.

I only got here in April, and I'm one of the Highest-Posting Members.
Because I love it here.
As I once said, "Great site, great community... I like saying 'great'." Seriously, I never thought I could have as much fun online as I do with you guys.

So a big <3 to you all. Except Crane. As he is not my bro.
My name is Kurtis and I'ma T9K-a-holic.
I find myself on this site at 2-3 am, like right now, yet I need to be up and getting ready for school at 6.
Online addictions are addicting. (x_x)
I believe I am complete my tenth hour on here today, will probably be one another three hours.
I'm a T9K-aholic.
Well, I am truly a T9K-aholic.
I've now been on the forums for the majority of my waking day.
My name is CaptainGinyu, and I am a Team9000-aholic.

Everyday at school, all I can manage to think about are :D and numbers greater than 9000. I plow through the never ending piles of mind-numbing schoolwork and survive for half my day without the interwebz. I finally trudge homeward bound and reach the pinnacle of my humble abode, my laptop, while I feverishly absorb the contents of each blog, staff announcement, and thread I can click. Finally, I fall asleep with only one thing in mind... more sleep, and more :D.

Story of my life.