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Hello Team9000


New Member
Well now, I've been playing Beta for a while. This is my first go at Classic on Multiplayer. Enjoying the servers very much. My username in game is: AGWD.

Also made my first sprites! Feel free to check them out ( J/ guest server). I made the building which is a multi coloured pyramid and my two sprites are a cherry and a squirrel. ^_^

Say hi to me if you're online.

(BELOW.. My in game screen shots)

About me:

22yrs old. From London. Hoping to climb ranks and become a trusted member of Team 9000. ^_^




AGWD its always nice to see a new enthusiastic member of T9K. Im sure that if you keep that attitude youll make it to builder in no time and perhaps more. But, id recommend you to post in the promotion applications section if youre seeking a promo with this post. If not, well... Then welcome to team 9000, have fun and enjoy it! :D

If im not being impertinent, you have a fine lady there in your picture, is she your girlfriend?
AGWD its always nice to see a new enthusiastic member of T9K. Im sure that if you keep that attitude youll make it to builder in no time and perhaps more. But, id recommend you to post in the promotion applications section if youre seeking a promo with this post. If not, well... Then welcome to team 9000, have fun and enjoy it! :D

If im not being impertinent, you have a fine lady there in your picture, is she your girlfriend?

Just saying Hi and showing some of my work :)

Yes that is me and my girlfriend... thanks for the compliment ;)
She's awesome as she let's me play minecraft lol.

(On another note)

Was working on my 3rd sprite.. until some other player started building a sword sprite right under my viking :( Interrupting my picture. See below.. So given up on that one lol.
