yeah it is rather strange and random person who don't like homestuck, i like steampunk and cybergoth art more than that so,well almost but still
Hello person of the Homestucks. If you're gonna want to hang out with us more often, I would recommend that you get on our Mumble or just slide over to the top left corner of your computer screen and see a small tab named " Chat". That would be the alternative to our Mumble server where you can talk to any of us at any time and ask us questions if you're lost. Almost every one will be willing to give you a helping hand if they're not busy in a game or in a conversation going on about gaming news and events.

Also, we have a plethora of games that we play on a day to day basis, mostly being Minecraft and famous indie Multiplayer Steam Games, but make sure to find a game that you're interested to play with us. It's probably the best move to make when you're just starting out.

Also, don't be scared to talk to anyone. We're very friendly once you let us spend time with you.

That's about it.

Well, have a good time and welcome to T9K. :D
is it sad that the first thing that came to mind was the chemical combination that would come from a name like HeLiO...?

welcome, nonetheless.