
Hello there. You like it here don't you. You love it here! You cannot resist to come back here! To resist is hopeless! Your existence is meaningless without T9K!
Now repeat.

Welcome :D
Welcome! Enjoy your stay, you just signed the contract that I just made up just now. Now you can never leave! :D

No seriously.

Sorry, your contract is null and void due to Team9000's ToU which states you may leave once and come back, and then you may never leave again. Choose wisely friend. Failure to adhere to these conditions usually results in public execution by snu-snu.
hello I see you on mumble so clearly you are adapting to our site and I welcome you with open arms.

just remember don't be a dick and also if you play league or pokemon or something hit us up on mumble and you might get a group of people to play with you !
Woah. I totally missed out on this intro thread.
Hello! Welcome to this little (sorta) slice of paradise. Mind the coconuts, ponies, and mining.

Even Benidict Cumberbatch is saying hello to you!
hello I see you on mumble so clearly you are adapting to our site and I welcome you with open arms.

just remember don't be a dick and also if you play league or pokemon or something hit us up on mumble and you might get a group of people to play with you !

Ahh-- I used to play League, but I never really had friends to play it with, and I'm not too good at it myself... And the champ I mained is kinda universally hated. ;P
Oooo look, a people.


Have a random picture of an animal moving it's paw in a semblance of human greeting that made it popular on the internet.
