Hey guys!


New Member
Just saying hi. New to the forums and fairly new to Minecraft, i haven't bought the game yet though i just play on Classic. Usually just wonder around looking at all the cool shiz people build, sometimes fix things that look like someone has griefed because it's nice to be nice xD :p
Hello friendly one, I'd not touch griefed things as the banhammer might accidentally fall on your head. Any grief can be undone with a command or something

As previously noted, until you're at least a builder (even then, it's touch-n-go) it's a bad idea to fix grief incase the banhamma targets you. We can completely undo the guilty parties' actions with a simple /revert command, so if you see grief, let one of the higher ups know. Blue names (builder, legend, and engineer), green names (awesome), and red names (pro, owner) can all check the block history and tell you if it's ok to fix it. Green and red names can ban the responsible parties and then you can watch everything magically fix itself.

Also, the same general concept applies to swastikas, penises, etc etc etc.