hey my first time on

ok... how I got promoted is that I collabbed with another guest and built this huge golden hotel in Guest42. What you gotta do is make something big and put a lot of effort into it, and then post your pictures of it into this thread:


But you probably already know that don't you? Well, a castle is always good, maybe a floating one. Or possibly a flying ship, there's really nothing that can classify as "Worthy of promotion" because you can build practically anything and be promoted (except penises and swastikas you'll get promoted to "banned" for that :P ). But it has to be:

1) Creative
2) Humongous
3) Cool

Ideas.... spaceship, dinosaur, castle, hotel, Company building, giant guitar with amp, pirate ship, floating green house, animal, dragon, large action figure, minecraft man (with different skin), house, robot etc. etc. etc.