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hey please unaban DIDA2222


please tell me wath i greifed
i greifed a pumpkin by accident i has some 2 min lag and i was in pumpkin
i greifed some i think pandas pool and i fixx all waht i did to him
nothing more pleasei wish for unban i love your server today i wanted to build somting big and you baned me omg

im sory for i did
Hello, I did ban you for those things, along with a wall here:


After you were reverted:


I had warned you previously and then found grief afterwards. Personally I'm not sure about the "by accident" with how the grief looked like, and how much it was. However I do appreciate you being honest about what you did.

I would like to be able to trust you not to grief anymore, how can you prove that you won't?
wait wait that wall some dude greifed and i asked him nedd help i thinked he maked taht and i say ok nad i help him and then i neded to go
im sory i will help to fix i maked gread stufs and i gona make big heart for your server ok
Well Nial6 clarified that you were in fact asked by him to delete it. Being you had fixed the other grief you did, I'll let you back

To avoid this confusion in the future, either remove it entirely, or don't make the deleting seem so random and griefer-like. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Appeal accepted.