Hi im GarretSidzaka

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New Member
hi i have heard alot about this server and i finally came to check it out. i only saw a tiny portion and i thought that musta taken forever in world edit. then i was in formed that no one used world edit and i was all T.T

--redacted by admin
hi i have heard alot about this server and i finally came to check it out. i only saw a tiny portion and i thought that musta taken forever in world edit. then i was in formed that no one used world edit and i was all T.T

anywho i dont bite and i just wanted to say hello t9k.

im also creating a gaming company called Endangered Noob Productions, so PM me if you are interesting in doing a secrete indie game.
I remember your name from something.... which games did you play and what previous communities have you been in?
too late im burning already. i have a terrible ear infection that wants to eat my brain.

oh wait i remember you. you got banned for hacking chest shop signs.

anywho i removed all the bans so you can come back and troll us more if you want :P
too late im burning already. i have a terrible ear infection that wants to eat my brain.

oh wait i remember you. you got banned for hacking chest shop signs.

anywho i removed all the bans so you can come back and troll us more if you want :P
pony awkward.gif
by the way i check out the survival server, its epic!!:thumbsup:
i really like this website too.

anywho im starting and indie game company and i wanted to include you guys (being the largest classic server). it has nothing to do with bukkit, minecraft or any servers. Im just trying to recruit talent right now for that project.

Peerless anecdote broer
Wait. Why did you come to us? Did your pvp server collapse or something? I still miss Thaproffesor. :(
Wait. Why did you come to us? Did your pvp server collapse or something? I still miss Thaproffesor. :(

nothing has collapsed. LULz

anywho here is something of team 9k's creation. it had come to my attention that ppl thought i have "stolen" it. but actually i saved it from a server wipe. this attached schematic is still the most beautiful castle i have evar seen
This thread is getting a "bit" awkward.

I have also noticed sentences which are not constructive ^ and someone trying to buy a certain community member off *sigh*.
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