Hi im GarretSidzaka

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Ohai. I remember you from somewhere... I juuuuust can't put my finger on it... Hmm..... HMMM.....
Oh yeah...
You're that server guy. From
..... Huh.
Ohai, I'm Taco, you may remember me. Or not.
Whatever. Ohai.
Garret is a nice guy. Even if you had a dispute with him in the past, the way he runs his server shouldn't affect how he is treated on here.
nothing has collapsed. LULz

anywho here is something of team 9k's creation. it had come to my attention that ppl thought i have "stolen" it. but actually i saved it from a server wipe. this attached schematic is still the most beautiful castle i have evar seen
Me and Hawktech design that master piece. ;)
You do not know who this man is and he does not deserve to be here.
-_- All I know is he is a guy who likes to shoot at rocks and design games. Sounds just like half of T9K to me. If you really want to continue this, PM me or create a conversation. I don't want to destroy his welcome thread arguing with you.
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