Hi! Im the Doctor!


Well-Known Member
The forums have a serious lack of Doctor Who, and by doctor who, I mean ALL of them.





Now criticize me for not including the other doctors and then fix that by posting them.
My problem with Dr who is that it's such a massive thing, I have no idea where I would start. Every time I've tried it's been pretty lame, so I just stop watching.
My problem with Dr who is that it's such a massive thing, I have no idea where I would start. Every time I've tried it's been pretty lame, so I just stop watching.
Which episode did you start on? I honestly would not start on the old ones. I would start with the 9th or 10th doctor.
You don't really have to watch the episodes in order. Hell, I started with the second part of the series 5 finale. :P
I started with the 9th doctor episode 1 and spent a whole summer watching them while fletching in runescape.
9m fletch xp.jpg

Watched up until the last episode of the 10th doctor. My face when the doctor changed was the face fluttershy is making in my profile pic. :P
My problem with Dr who is that it's such a massive thing, I have no idea where I would start. Every time I've tried it's been pretty lame, so I just stop watching.
Protip: do what I do and start from Tom Baker.

I can't even remember the name of the 1st Doctor, but he was shit.

Also, Pertwee's good.

...Or you could be a mainstream n00b and start from Eccleston.
Eccleston... Eurgh...