Hi! Im the Doctor!

Protip: do what I do and start from Tom Baker.

I can't even remember the name of the 1st Doctor, but he was shit.

Also, Pertwee's good.

...Or you could be a mainstream n00b and start from Eccleston.
Eccleston... Eurgh...
yunolike Eccleston?
Eccleston was my first Doctor. ;(
My problem with Dr who is that it's such a massive thing, I have no idea where I would start. Every time I've tried it's been pretty lame, so I just stop watching.
While I'm not a fan of 9, 10 was my doctor, and 11 is amazing, I would suggest you start with 9. But you have to promise me you will watch all of 9(just one season{asshole}) and at least start 10. 9, 10, and 11 are the Dr. Who seasons represented by the item in netflix. If you have questions crane, hit me up....skank.
I feel like starting midway through 10, going to 4, then 2 then 9, skip to 5, watch the rest of 10 and then watch 8 followed by 11 which will segue into 12
While I'm not a fan of 9, 10 was my doctor, and 11 is amazing, I would suggest you start with 9. But you have to promise me you will watch all of 9(just one season{asshole}) and at least start 10. 9, 10, and 11 are the Dr. Who seasons represented by the item in netflix. If you have questions crane, hit me up....skank.
At least start from 10, yeah. They basically re-iterate a lot of stuff anyway, so it's no biggie.

But if you really want to be hardcore, I'd watch the entire series.
I did it.
That being said, I had 5 years to do so.
Good luck, Sontoran.
I liked Eccleston. No one can say "fantastic" or reminisce about "the last great time war" like he can.

Tennant was amazing (no real need to give details, he just was), but I get a little annoyed by the people always wanting him to come back. There's always a new Doctor, get over it.

Matt Smith is an awesome Doctor, but I wish they would stop with the variations of wibbly-wobbly (bumpy-wumpy, spacey-wacey). It was kinda ok in Blink (with Tennant, but that's not the point), but when just randomly blurted out (The Eleventh Hour…) it just sounds weird. Ultimately, Smith is Moffat's custom Doctor, and that made him credible enough for me for the first part of Series 5. As it went on, 11 kind of grew on me. Also he has a hot ginger companion, a bow-tie, and a kick-ass new enemy (The Silence).

My problem with Dr who is that it's such a massive thing, I have no idea where I would start. Every time I've tried it's been pretty lame, so I just stop watching.
Neil Gaiman's perfect introduction to Doctor Who for new viewers:
There’s a big blue box. It’s bigger on the inside than the outside. It can go anywhere in space and time, sometimes where it is supposed to go. Something will go wrong, and there’s some bloke called The Doctor who’ll make it all right because he’s awesome. Now sit down, shut up and watch Blink.
You ordered a doctor?
Also my first doctor was Tom Baker, been watching doctor who for over 10 years now on PBS&SciFy/syfy

Start with Eccleston or Matt Smith
Tennant isn't a good starter cause he's in process of switching roles from eccleston may confuse you in whats going on
I will admit that David Tennant's smexyness did kick ass for... what was it, 3 seasons?

But the new doctor is sh*t.

I like David Tennant, David Tennant is cool.
I have to say... My top three Doctors are Tom Baker, David Tennant, and Matt Smith.
I remember David Tennant most vividly, though - I was disappointed he was booted, but Matt Smith ain't bad. However, he lays on the whole 'crazyness' schtick too thick.

What can be said is that these new Doctors are lightweights. All the 'old' Doctors spent years on the show. I think Tom Baker was on the show for 7 years. We need more Doctor.
In that one that is titled epicness. Is that chick the one from the episode where they went into the giant library and they were with the crew and the shadows ate everyone's flesh? I saw her and was wondering if she would be in anything else, I haven't watched any of the recent new ones but I would definitely like to know.
In that one that is titled epicness. Is that chick the one from the episode where they went into the giant library and they were with the crew and the shadows ate everyone's flesh? I saw her and was wondering if she would be in anything else, I haven't watched any of the recent new ones but I would definitely like to know.
River Song. And, yes, she's in a lot of Season 6. She's in about half of the season, I think.