Hidden Gems


Well-Known Member
With the Summer Sale going on, I've been constantly checking out the sales to see what I can find that's worth the money. One game that I had never heard of until the sale, but I'm now smitten with is a game called Hero Siege.

Hero Siege is a wave-survival rogue-like rpg. Enemies can drop several things to make your task easier: Gold, Health, and occasionally, new equipment. Nearly everything in each map is destructible, so fans of the Zelda series with Chronic Pot Smashing Syndrome will have plenty to destroy. Most of the time, these drop money, but occasionally, they will drop keys used to open the random spawning chests, or the shop. There are also special items that give the characters passive abilities, similar to the ones in the Binding of Issac. However, once you die, you lose all of your gold, keys and special items. You keep your current level and equipment, though. It's incredibly challenging and a hell of a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

If you're interested in checking it out, it's currently on sale for less than 3-4 dollars, and is well worth the money.

There any games you guys like that no one seems to have heard about?