How about another game of Corrupt a Wish? :D


Active Member
Alright, a while ago there was a thread for a forum response game called "Corrupt a Wish", and I wanted to play another game of it!
Here is how you play:
The first person (me) makes a wish, and then the next person responds with what the first persons wish was and then the corruption of the wish, after you corrupt the wish, you make your own wish that is to be corrupted by someone else. Example will use a response
I wish for nothing at all
You wish for nothing at all, you are falling through the ground at this moment.

I wish for a bucket of water (That will start us off)
You wished for a bucket of water, the bucket has a hole in it and the water is boiling.

I wish for a lamp!
You wished for redstone, the redstone is still an ore in the wall and you only have a wooden pickaxe.

I wish for a Milkshake!
The Redstone is deep underground, and you CBF.

I wish for more wishes. :trollface:
You wished for more wishes, but got AIDS

I wish for a 10 gallon bucket of the best ice cream on the planet
You wished for delicious, non-melting ice-cream, but it is on the other side of the earth.

I wish for immortality!
you wished for immortality, it causes you much pain and grief watching the people you love die while you live forever, as well as the fact that you contract many diseases and illnesses that cause you terrible pain and suffering, you also look hideous in your old age.

I wish for infinite money!
You wish for infinite money, but considering the world economy is so screwed anyway, it doesn't help.

I wish for Woot to respond to this thread.
You wished for woot to respond to this thread, he said no.

I wish for a non-poisonous, non-deadly, warm, beautiful, awesome pizza!
You wished for a nonpoisonous, non-deadly, warm, beautiful, awesome pizza! You dropped it in the lava and it burned away...

I wish for it to rain Skittlez forever!
You wished for it to rain Skittlez forever, but you got a 404: Not Found error.

I wish for a can of Solo.
You wished for a can of Solo, but you got a can with the decaying rotting and smelly body of Hans Solo inside.

I wish for human cloning.
You wish for human cloneing, but you cannot differ yourself from the clones, they end up taking your life.

I wish for MSPaint adventures to update.