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How did I grief?


New Member
I was banned for "log cabin grief" I do not understand how I grieved it? I hate grievers, this is completely unfair and rude on your part, if I am not unbanned I will warn my community of 50 people never to go on this server for false bans. This is very frustrating as this is my favorite server.
I will warn my community of 50 people never to go on this server for false bans.
I know im not suppose to post on ban appeals, but i want to for this only :3

2 Things wrong:

1: Im 95% Sure that wooty wont care if you tell your community of 50 people to never go on this server. Im not even sure if your community will listen.

2: A ban is never false, there is always a good reason behind this. Unless said admin is been stupid, and bans for luls.
I know im not suppose to post on ban appeals, but i want to for this only :3

No. 1 As said you aren't supposed to be posting on another person's ban appeal, so you shouldn't. No. 2 This ban is false, there is a good reason behind this though, as I am sure that the admin has mistaken me for some other stupid griever. SO! What have we learned here today? DON'T POST ON ANOTHER PERSON'S STATUS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
No. 1 As said you aren't supposed to be posting on another person's ban appeal, so you shouldn't. No. 2 This ban is false, there is a good reason behind this though, as I am sure that the admin has mistaken me for some other stupid griever. SO! What have we learned here today? DON'T POST ON ANOTHER PERSON'S STATUS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Whoa, lets turn the volume down a little here. I agree that what Janmes was inappropiate, every admin in this server cares for the community and im sure woot WOULD care if the community was unasatisfied. But please dont start a flame war, this is not Youtube. Also, Connorbug please dont try to threaten us cause it Will only make you look bad and even though we do care, losing some members wont be the end of the world either. Now, id recommend to keep this within the rules of the forum or we Will have a valid reason for a ban. Please just wait for thaprofessor to adress this issue and keep the heat to a minimum.
Yes, I agree, I didn't mean to threaten I was just extremely angry about this and other stuff, so sorry. =\ Btw I am getting minecraft Beta and I would love to play with you guys.
Yes, I agree, I didn't mean to threaten I was just extremely angry about this and other stuff, so sorry. =\ Btw I am getting minecraft Beta and I would love to play with you guys.
Im Glad you can see it. Im sure it must have been a mistake
everybody gets upset, connorbug, so it's all good in the hood. just be patient until prof has the time to check up on this thread :cool:

a. The socially correct way of acting; etiquette.
b. The prevailing customs, social conduct, and norms of a specific society, period, or group, especially as the subject of a literary work.
4. Practice, style, execution, or method in the arts:

Ban appeal accepted, just don't let it happen again. I understand that you were upset, but I'm sure you realize that isn't an excuse to let out that anger on us.