I can see into your soul

I did not divide by zero. You can logically compare nothing to nothing. Its just always a tie. Now comparing null to nothing may present an issue.
You can argue that you can, indeed, compare zero to zero.
Zero itself is an actual numerical value and entity, and can be considered to be a 'something'. Its 'nothingness' is not an absense of anything. Rather, it is an abundance of nothing. Nothing itself can be considered 'something', as there is no such thing as nothing.
But if there is no nothing then there cannot be nothing.
Null and nothing both follow the same spacial theory of an 'abundance of nothing'. Assuming you consider null to equal nothing, they are easily comparable. Zero is equally comparable as zero is a placeholder - a something meaning nothing. Therefore, zero = null = nothing, assuming that something = nothing.

So there.

Therefore, 0*1=0*2.

Now, whenever you divide a number by itself, you get 1, correct?

So, (0/0)*1=(0/0)*2

Now, 1*1=1*2

Therefore, 1=2.

He can see into your soul, because he is the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be no survivors.