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I can't believe I have been here for 2 years


Well-Known Member
I'll be on vacation Tuesday so I'm doing this now. 5 days from now will be my 2 years of being with Team9000...

Holy Fuck. Seems like yesterday I was sitting around in minor inconvenience wondering if I would be around long enough to talk in the +18 rooms.

Give me 17 more days and I actually can. Ha.

But seriously, the place team9000 has made in my life is so significant due to the fact that I have NEVER been apart of a internet community before team9000. Seriously, I entered the internet basically playing Runescape which led to Minecraft and to the early days of Team9000.net.

Now before I continue let me get one thing out of the way.

I'm sorry.

Now, that that's out of the way, lets get onto the sappy bullshit that you will probably skip over and in hopes read about in a TL;DR.

Now personally, I wanna thank you all, For making me go from....this....(oh god that grammar) to what I am today. Still a annoying asshole.

Now I honestly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for the awesome people that made up this community.

If I missed your name, ask Gurw to say sorry in a Canadian accent as my way of apologizing.
Also, I just spent the past hour remembering all these names, if I missed you, you know I still love you.
And as for Gurw, Vorsprung, Scooterboo, Beese, Cathykiddo, Dutchcheese, Casey, Pixiel, Conrod, Ollee ,Casham, Woot, Nuron, Ozy, brooklyn, Apocalypse, Thee_pro, Don, Rev_80, That_Taco_Faggot, Squeebz, Riley, Tofurkey, Projecto, Tshin, Jerzey, Patchouli, Bored, Konflakes, Chiba, Ustulo, David, Katphish, Mcfar, Riein, Yuky, Creeper, crane, Quazy, Mariolink, Kurtis, Hawke, fdebijgkjofjrsphru, Mikeymagic, Godlib, Xraptor, Jazz, Greenearth, jok3r, Dasbeast, oozinator, pasaria, vincent, skryter, moleman, Azn, Rem, Tha_professor, and Briggs, thank you.

Thank you for making the past 2 years as fun as they have been, and heres to more fun years with all you insane people.

Fuck yeah, second on the list

But in all seriousness, congrats, my man. I still fondly remember you being one of the first people that I talked to on Mumble, ripping to parts your ego in private conversations, and many other escapades that the government won't let me say in front of the children.

Many happy returns, and please, for God's sake, rescue your vocal cords. Projecto is easy to bash up, just hit him on the knee.
HOLY SHIT! I made the list <3 & before my brother :confused: I WIN! xD Grats on lasting this long! Also, as a dig at the fact you mentioned your grammar... it's "an asshole" not "a asshole" ~ Love ya :D
oh sweet, on teh list :D i guess i've annoyed you enough, but ya know, it was always for the greater good x3
anyboob, happy 2 year anniversary and i hope for many more to come :)
It's crazy to think that it's been nearly 2 years man, just about 2 for myself, and that filthy Australian aswell. It's gone past in the blink of an eye, you best be around for year 3. :D
I remember that Golden Gate Bridge I wanted to help you make :p
I went on vacation and ended up missing the entire damn thing!
ah god, my 2 year mark is in a few days as well....I guess that means I should write a blog to commemorate it. you have most definitely been a large part of this community, good times and rough times, we have all stuck it out and made this place our home. *raises mug/glass/pitcher/cigar* to many more good years and fun times.