I don't get to gloat very often

Luckily enough, Due to Ireland's sell out nature and our low MNC taxes, The European Google headquarters is in Dublin. There have been rumors going around that Google Fiber will be reaching us first instead of bypassing us and setting up in the UK. As for my current result, It's not the worst but certainly not the best...
It's probably because he lives in the middle of the desert. Doesn't have a choice.

That's not the issue lol. It's the fact that he's using Telstra itself because everyone in Australia knows almost everything is better than Telstra (It's an Australian Joke).
It's probably because he lives in the middle of the desert. Doesn't have a choice.
Yeah, to reiterate on Skryter's point,
Telstra is the biggest telecommunications company in Australia.

Hell, it's the biggest company in Australia.
It is also terrible.

Like, it scores badly for customer service, services, public image, and most else.

Fun fact: I have spent over 154 hours of my life on customer support calls to Telstra
And not one of them has been useful
I was following this thread quite well until the word sexatrigesimals popped up. It's cool that google fiber is finally expanding. My net isn't fantastic but it works well enough. :P
I was following this thread quite well until the word sexatrigesimals popped up. It's cool that google fiber is finally expanding. My net isn't fantastic but it works well enough. :P
We use base 10 as a standard, the numerals 0-9. Base Two, AKA binary, is 0-1. Hexa is likewise 0-6. Sexatrigesimal is Base 36, using the 10 numerals and 26 Latin letters in the English alphabet. It can be further expanded into Base 62, by using both uppercase and lowercase letters. Interestingly, the base 62 input is longer, you'd need to multiply by 0.7kV.

As a side note, being an electrician I automatically read that as "multiply by 700 Volts."
Unless we're calculating the weight of the quantum shits I shit whilst whistling tunes at 4 notes per second in mid flight through air at a base speed of 50m per second. Then we use the base number 69 multiplied by 42 because why the fuck not. Also, take note that the air resistance that is applied to my body includes the drag created by my penis. Then add the number of invisible ballsacks that math creates to the equation and voila! Thats the number of fucks that goes through my mind when I see math! Crazy isn't it?!
Unless we're calculating the weight of the quantum shits I shit whilst whistling tunes at 4 notes per second in mid flight through air at a base speed of 50m per second. Then we use the base number 69 multiplied by 42 because why the fuck not. Also, take note that the air resistance that is applied to my body includes the drag created by my penis. Then add the number of invisible ballsacks that math creates to the equation and voila! Thats the number of fucks that goes through my mind when I see math! Crazy isn't it?!

It's like your penis went into my mind and extracted my very thoughts.
Unless we're calculating the weight of the quantum shits I shit whilst whistling tunes at 4 notes per second in mid flight through air at a base speed of 50m per second. Then we use the base number 69 multiplied by 42 because why the fuck not. Also, take note that the air resistance that is applied to my body includes the drag created by my penis. Then add the number of invisible ballsacks that math creates to the equation and voila! Thats the number of fucks that goes through my mind when I see math! Crazy isn't it?!
If penis-physics are still quantumly related to the average speed of cum in a vacuum, the total number of fucks is 7.41.