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I dont know why i got banned


New Member
So I was playing, then my cousins asked me if he could play because he was at my house, so i let him. The next 10min he told me i got banned and he wont tell me what he was doing, all he said was i was messing around and doing stuff. I am not the kind of player to mess around with anyone, I love this server, i have build alot of stuff, like the giant iphone, the bart simspons, a deadmau5 helmet, and more. I am sure nu1s, t7seven7t, and vicousdude (not sure if thats how u spell it) can recommend me. I just want to know what happen, and im sorry for what ever happened- username-sarmen
Rule number 1 of letting friends play on your computer:

- Don't let friends play on your computer! Especially not on your account!

Unbanned. Be careful.