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I haz Idea


Active Member
We all know Elm Creek is a new world being generated. After some thoughts, I think I shall haz some new ideas.

I was thinking we can have a world, or a large wide open area in Eagle Pass, where everything will be devoted to trading, or running a shop. I don't know if there is already a spot to come forward to this, but after I went on the server for a bit I don't think there is one.

A lot of people run shops and sell resources to other players. But they're scattered all over the place. Eagle Pass, Minetopia, Outlands, and a few in OxyTown. I was thinking we could have a separate world for trading, buying, and selling items to other players.

I just came out with this idea yesterday night, so it still needs construction on how this is going to work.


If this idea does get put into the game, I was thinking of having a separate thread within the Minecraft Classic for building a shop permit. I was mapping this in my head, and here's how it will go:

* For people who have workers for a certain shop, should be included in the store permit, listed from the Head Owner of the shop. This means the white-listed people for that one shop can only work on that one shop.

  • For people who work alone in shops, should fill out the same application but put 'Single Shop Owner' So Ozy and Woot only white-lists that person for that shop, no one else.

    • Again, this idea needs more work on it, so be free to post your thoughts and opinions on this idea.


      You might be all wondering. "People will steal my stuff, or grief it!!' . The answer to that is NOOOOO!. Because of my idea above that, only people who are white-listed for your shop can enter it, take stuff and put stuff in chests, and build your actual shop. All other people who are not white-listed, cannot enter your shop, or steal supplies. I don't know how that is going to work, even if it's possible. But I'm sure we can work it out.

      If this is going to be a trading centre, people will need to look at your goods. I was thinking, everyone who comes to that particular world can take a look at chests, but they can't remove anything from that chest. It's just like the idea above ^. Only white-listed people for that shop can remove and place items in the chest. All others only have looking privileges to look inside your chest and hopefully trade you.


      I really haven't thought on this as much, but what happens if someone scams you. I think we should develop a system of hopefully trading. I hope you guys have some ideas in mind, because on this subject I really can't map it out in my head as well.


      Everyone is free to post there opinions, thoughts, and reaction's on this page. It's what it's for. I'm hoping you guys will enjoy it and hopefully give me more ideas to create and make new efforts to fix the trading system in Team9000's beta.

      Thanks! :D
From what I hear the new world is going to be a really vast area (like the outlands) where people can set up their own colonies and such (kind of a freebuild).
Okay, hopefully this will make sense when I write it out.

1st off, If there is a separate world made for a "trading area" Wooty would have to set up portal in every world to the trading world for it to serve it's purpose. Eagle Pass has a large park area, but I don't think it is big enough for what you are trying to describe.

Now here is my idea for actual trading. I don't know if there is a lock system where someone can just look inside a chest but not be able to modify the contents, but if there is that is great. However the system you described relyes heavily on trust and the goodwill of people.
Don't get me wrong, Team9000 is full of awesome people, but it would take only one person to go insane and hijack everything. To go around this I propose a system of setting up buy orders.

Here is how this would work.

There would be a store owner, and the name would be posted somewhere where everyone can see. Idk if a person can or cannot look inside a chest without being able to modify but this would help.

The customer would walk in and create a chest. He would then give himself and the owner permission to this chest. He would post a sign in from of the chest presenting his deal. He would then leave his part of the deal and wait for the owner to check all the buy requests and see which ones he can or wants to fill out. If the owner decides he likes the presented deal then he would take the stuff in the chest and put in what the other dude asked for.

The creator of the deal and chest would have to specify if he was open to negotiation or not in the sign he made. This of course relies on trust of the store owner to not just take the stuff in the chest, but the hopefully the store owner is someone who has been around and is generally trusted, and if he messes around, we can just take away his rights to sell.

So for any tldr people, this system is based on putting in buy orders with signs in from of locked chests where you leave ur offer and wait to see if the owner accepts and leaves his part of the deal while he takes his part of the deal. The buy order would stay there until the owner makes the deal or posts a negotiation.

I'll stop talking now lol. See what you think.
Yes, I have a sense of where you are going with this. We could nominate a mayor, or a Head Leader of all Trades and Stores..
someone had been doing that exact thing in oxytown with orders before it became whitelisted. worked fairly well for him. But if we were to have a seperate trade wworld i would go wwith Fives' idea of the spawn world with portals going to all worlds including the outlands
someone had been doing that exact thing in oxytown with orders before it became whitelisted. worked fairly well for him. But if we were to have a seperate trade wworld i would go wwith Fives' idea of the spawn world with portals going to all worlds including the outlands

True, if Woot goes for both ideas...we literally could have both in the same world. The market could be above ground and the subway below. I do like the market idea by the way.
Actually, since I know we already have the Essentials Plugin (the Heal and Disposal signs are a dead giveaway :D) Woot could enable Trade, Buy, and Sell signs.

The problem is, it would most likely involve setting up a currency. I happen to know that this is something most of the experienced players are trying to avoid here, and I am on the fence on the issue myself. There are pros and cons that I won't go into here, but it would be a major decision that Woot would not be able to take lightly.