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I was ban from the server '' Build free for all ''


New Member
Hi there,

I've got ban under the name of '' OneLastStandMK4 '' for grief. I'm sorry if I did offense someone for what I've did but this was an error. I've never did something like this in purpose and I'm really sorry about it. I didn't know nothing about the rules because it was my first time.

So, I'm wondering if I can be deban, I promise I won't do something like this again.

the rules, as far as i know, are: breaking 20 blocks of a single structure will get you banned. to become a recruit, create a good building.that is all i know so far. also hit the button t to talk, then type /fly then jump with space and you'll fly. also to look at rules hit t then type /rules. if you get unbanned of course. and to change the block you're holding hit B.
also i think there is a bug where if you destroy 20 blocks of something you have built you get banned as welll. im not sure.
OneLastStandMK4, here are the before and after screenshots of your grief. Also, for clarification, 20 blocks is not necessarily a minimum for a ban. I will unban you this time, but understand that another ban will result in a permanent ban from the server. Please take a minute to go over our server RULES and reply that you have understood them before I proceed to unban.

(Ignore the swastika.)


also i think there is a bug where if you destroy 20 blocks of something you have built you get banned as welll. im not sure.

BlackVipor, please read this: https://www.team9000.net/threads/important-note-about-threads-in-the-ban-appeals-forum.3906/

I know you only mean well by posting in this thread, but we have rules about who can post here. Also, a bunch of your information was not entirely accurate. The best way to learn the rules is simply by typing /rules in chat and making sure to never grief.

OneLastStandMK4, here are the before and after screenshots of your grief. Also, for clarification, 20 blocks is not necessarily a minimum for a ban. I will unban you this time, but understand that another ban will result in a permanent ban from the server. Please take a minute to go over our server RULES and reply that you have understood them before I proceed to unban.

(Ignore the swastika.)



WOW seriously that was not the structure I've grief on :O I've put like 2 or 3 block in a random already destroyed structure, never did something like this... Anyway, thanks for the help HOMERUN and I'll go read the rules right away.

Also, thanks for Kagato for your appeal, really appreciated.