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I was banned for griefing my own structure...


New Member
In your Minecraft Classic server I built a creeper face with TNT on the inside, but I decided to move it because there was another creeper right behind it. I destroyed it and built it in a new place. A few days later it said that I was banned because I griefed a creeper face. Why was I banned for destroying my own structure? ;(

Minecraft user name: BrickDude101
I've banned you for griefing a creeper's head. If it was your building you'd have been unbanned right away. Anyway, as i don't honestly recall much about the situation, i can't be 100% that it wasn't my mistake. Though I've noticed that you've been banned before and already appealed, I will give you another chance. Keep in mind that its the last one you'll get.

Appeal accepted, user unbanned