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If I may


New Member
I feel the number of "My brother did it" excuses exceeds the believable. I'm not saying it never happens, but this is LITERALLY an every day thing. Even if every single instance is to be believed, this is a huge problem.

I propose that a new rule is put in to place, stating that the owner of the account is the one responsible for any activity that takes place on that account, regardless of who is using it. It should be in a visible place, so those who may truthfully have a brother/sister/cousin can be warned to be more careful, and those who would lie about it won't have a leg to stand on.

Note that I'm not an admin or anything like that. I'm just posting my opinion and suggestion. Give it some consideration, or feel free to ignore ^^;
Usually if it happens more than once there's not another chance. I think allowing one more chance basically nullifies the chance that it's actually true and that they do make the effort to fix the mistake.
This will not stop these threads, i'm pretty sure of that. People will still be posting, regardless of the rules, thinking of their case as "different". Well, of course, it may lower the amount of them, but it will not get rid of it. Also, its kinda harsh. :p
If you're going to run a large minecraft server that's maintained, the amount of threads there are going to be will be large. Nothing you can do about it... unless you just let it be grief central.
While I agree that this is a problem, I would like to make a point by asking a question.

How many times a day do you have to tell people to type /rules?

(I say this because of how blatantly visible 'Type /rules' is when people spawn.)

Associated questions:
'Why can't I build?!"
'How do I get to everyone?'
'Can I grief?'
'Can I be promoted?'
'How do I get promoted?'

You get my point.
While I agree that this is a problem, I would like to make a point by asking a question.

How many times a day do you have to tell people to type /rules?

(I say this because of how blatantly visible 'Type /rules' is when people spawn.)

Associated questions:
'Why can't I build?!"
'How do I get to everyone?'
'Can I grief?'
'Can I be promoted?'
'How do I get promoted?'

You get my point.

I agree, the ammount of quotes like that being stated every few seconds ticks the living hell out of me, i think the first world you connect to is a world with just a list of rules on a wall, and in the rules it well tell you how to enter the main world to stop idiots from asking the question every second.
I agree, the ammount of quotes like that being stated every few seconds ticks the living hell out of me, i think the first world you connect to is a world with just a list of rules on a wall, and in the rules it well tell you how to enter the main world to stop idiots from asking the question every second.

It wouldn't stop them.
I disagree to the whole making "little brother" excuses void for the reasons stated by Ollee and Malinax, but if there was a way to label them like when banned people log on from a banned IP or something, so they will be watched closer. For example, " Casham UNBANNED (pro) has logged on".
Meh, not much different but that is my contribution :D
I agree with Ollee. People are ignorant. Even if you throw things in their face it's not going to change anything. I mean it's is hard to know without trying...just saying....some people are just plain stupid.
I agree with Ollee. People are ignorant. Even if you throw things in their face it's not going to change anything. I mean it's is hard to know without trying...just saying....some people are just plain stupid.

You also forgot blind.
I've actually tested walking from the spawn in main down the little path, and it's pretty damn hard to miss that sign. Unless we actually don't let them move and just have the words directly in front of them I don't think there is really much to do that would help.
I never meant leaving the little brother excuse void...I'm sure it will happen...and it's kind of a pain in the ass I think we just need to deal with. I was just making the point of, "Do you HONESTLY believe another sign at spawn is gonna make that much of a difference?"
It should go without saying that the #1 rule in ANY online game/forum/activity is that you are always responsible for your account.
Speaking from experience I know how annoying it is to be wrongfully accused of something.
I didn't use the "my little brother' excuse, it was my explanation.
I can appreciate how frustrating it must be for the admins that deal with similar excuses on a daily basis. I've read many of the Ban Appeals and the major thing I have noticed is that the vast majority of appeals are short and snappy. That is, that many people put little effort into appealing their ban. This gives me the impression that they 1.Don't care that much or 2.Are in-fact griefers.

I don't agree with the 100% reject policy for "Little brother" excuses. I do think that there are very obvious measures you can take to ensure that the actually griefers remain banned, and the legit players are unbanned.

Now i'm not trying to promote myself in anyway but for arguments sake i'm going to use my ban as an example.

I was banned from the server because of my brothers actions.
When I got banned I went to the Ban Appeal thread and typed up my argument.I also supported my argument with as much evidence of good behavior as I could, through screenshots of previous creations.
My appeal took some time but I did not get angry or unreasonable as I knew I was not in the wrong.

Anyone that wanted to investigate my case could retrieve my information. If they did so they would see that at the time I had spent something like 16hours on classic,and recently 14hours on testAlpha.Almost double the amount of bricks had been built then destroyed also.

Now if anyone receives a ban after spending over 15 hours of their life on the t9k server their ban should at least be questioned!
Why would anyone spend that much time playing legitimately only to grief after 15 hours.

Simple measures like that, just checking their playtime/brick count, and also if they have been active on the forums will make it much easier to deduce who are the griefers and who are the legit players.