If this thread leaves the front page

So when it's 4 in the morning for the Americans (like it is now) then we must rely on the Aussies and the Europeans to keep
It alive!
I'm in South East Asia, and it's 7:30 PM here. Doing homework and gonna be alt-tabbing between this and Creative Writing just for the lulz :D
So when it's 4 in the morning for the Americans (like it is now) then we must rely on the Aussies and the Europeans to keep
It alive!
thats quite the vague opinion you have there sir, I'm on the east coast of America. 32 minutes ago when you posted that comment it turned 7:30am for me over here. America doesn't share 1 solid time zone :)
Yes! Moar pony avatars (and in turn, scaring away the new guests when they make welcome threads *shrug*)