If you don't know what this is, Get off my lawn.

oh...that would be why I have never had one....because the closest one to me is in Athens, GA and they don't ship....so damn.
Godliberator said:
oh...that would be why I have never had one....because the closest one to me is in Athens, GA and they don't ship....so damn.

Hmm... Maybe I could get you one.. Since I live pretty close there ;)
I don't know what this is but instead of leaving your lawn I shall defecate in it then slowly walk away with a happy pleased look on my face.
If you have any A&W fast food restaurants where you are they have root beer kegs there too.
That's true. One time I wen to the A&W place here because I wanted a root beer. The root beer they have there is awesome.

Unfortunately, they were out of root beer. I was understandably pissed. So I ordered a frosty mug and had Dr. Pepper.

I then stole the mug out of spite.
Hi there!
Face here.
Hey look there's one potato!
Two potatos!
One, Two, Three potatos!
One, Two, Three, Four potatos!
One potato! Two potato! Three potato! Four potato!!

Yes... I really did watch 4 minutes of Face rambling on and I thought this was the best part.