I'll be back


Well-Known Member
Due to my sister's insane conquest to do whatever she wants, and not caring who gets fucked up in the process, my mother and I are being forced to move out by the end of the night. We will be moving in with my brother, his girlfriend and their two kids. While this seems fine, my brother and his girlfriend have a habit of being overbearing and controlling. There is also no internet at their apartment. So.... that being said, I'm going to vanish for up to a few weeks, moreso than I already have been. However, when I come back, I will be returning in full, hopefully. I'm going to miss you guys while I'm gone. :/ This place has always been a sanctuary for me, a place where I can relax and be stress-free, for the most part. I just pray this temporary leave doesn't end up being permanent.
best of luck in your quest of finding an internets, chiba-san!
In the mean time we will squat here trying not to capture death with the die.
Due to my sister's insane conquest to do whatever she wants, and not caring who gets fucked up in the process,
Deets brah
Don't dangle a worm and then reel it back
Let us fish eat before you eat us
Where's this analogy going?
Update: From my current location, I can leech a /VERY/ faint signal from one of the nearby apartments. Yes, I'm technically stealing internet right now, but whatever. This is possibly only temporary as well, as the tenants with the router are possibly being evicted soon. I still won't be as much as I'd like, probably a forum post or two a day at most. You can try to get a hold of me on Steam, but the connection cuts out roughly 10 of every hour, so. Again, until I get a stable connection, you won't be seeing much of me. Shame, too. I really wanted to participate in the Terraria fun.