I'm a little late... - Outlandishh


Active Member
Hey guys, It's outlandish, and i know i've been around for about a month now, so i'm a little late, but i kinda wanted to post something here, so I guess ill just kinda talk a little about myself.

As far as family goes, My parents are together, both in their 50s, my dad has lung cancer, but it was found very early, so although he is sick, he will come out okay. My mom is an avid smoker, which i despise, and my sister, well she's pretty average (21)

I value intellect and putting effort into the things you do, i'm 16, and i've lived in Illinois my whole life, my family doesn't have much money, so i don't go on many vacations, but thats alright with me.

Just thought i'd post this so you guys could get to know me a little better. If you have any questions feel free to contact me any way you see fit, i'm normally on mumble, the forums, MCC and the beta server, so ill talk to you guys later!
Its about time bro ;). Naa, you did what I did, except I put it off for 2-3 months lol.