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Im sorry, and wish to come back to the minecraft classic server

I was banned for block spam on safe passage in the guest zone by yuckyducky, I wanted to know if there is anyway to be unbanned, I never griefed its just that I had gotten griefed and I asked for help and did not recieve it, I even re-built my house and the same guy came and griefed it again so I was sad and I saw that someone found a way to build on safe passage, I wasent the only one that was block spamming, and also I would have liked to say something before I was banned. yes I was immature and yes I wont do it again. hopefully I'll be back in the server, and next time I'll build away from safe passage because a lot of people pass by there and grief. I also help people build stuff most of the time when im not busy. my minecraft account name is "smackthatpinata"

from Pinata
Well as you state yuky banned you so he'll have to look into the matter of your appeal. For the fact that you were griefed and no one came that was unfortunate as a mod my self I try my best to get to every instance of grief but even with so many of us we can only do so much, and with chat spammed with well chatter it's hard to catch all the reports and to determine which are really and which are trolls. If unbanned we will continue to try and keep our server grief free. And if unbanned make sure not to repair the grief till a mods attention can be brought to the issue so that we may resolve it for you and fix the damage. If you see a blue or green mod on and have grief you can always send a privet message though @name message in the chat. Again understand that if we are busy we won't come right away.