Inigo... the best follower ever.


Well-Known Member
I might be late to the party, but better late than never.

Crusin' through nexus mods, I chanced upon... the best follower mod ever.

Inigo is his name. He's a recovering skooma addict, but otherwise a quite pleasant fellow. You and Inigo have a past that nearly got you killed. However, that's all behind you two now.

Go to Riften's jail, and free Inigo. To repay his debt to you, he will follow you until his death.

Prepare yourself for over 1,200 lines of random, situation, and conversation based dialogue. Inigo will sneak if you sneak. He will not engage enemies first if you are not detected. He will whisper if you are sneaking. Inigo levels with you, so he's not useless later in the game. I've only barely scratched the surface with Inigo and I can say that he has changed the game entirely. He has almost become a co-star. If only NPCs engaged him instead of me sometimes.

So instead of haphazardly praising this mod, let me drop a video and a link for you.
Wow, this actually looks amazing. I tried getting back into skyrim a little while ago but the grind back up was very disheartening. But If I could have an amazing companion like that, I would be more than happy to sink another 100 hours! Thanks for sharing!