IRL PICS! (if you want to)

This year was the first ski trip where I didn't even fall once, not even on the double black diamond runs off the mountain ridge *coolface*.
btw david where there moguls on your run?
OK, here's me last year at work:

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Here's me approximately 5minutes ago:

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You dont happen to cook meth with a High school dropout in the New Mexico desert, do you?
On another non picture posting note, todays New Years Eve party was awesome. I got to push people into the swimming pool with fancy clothes :D
Oh and we played paintball with 70 yr old guys. They were so cool. One of them's codenames was TwiSparkL xD
On another non picture posting note, todays New Years Eve party was awesome. I got to push people into the swimming pool with fancy clothes :D
Oh and we played paintball with 70 yr old guys. They were so cool. One of them's codenames was TwiSparkL xD
pics or it didnt happen
Show us the Jesus hair!!!!! :3

So at first I was all

And then I was like

But then I was like

(I actually have short hair now, just don't have any recent pics :( )
Holy shit it's back in black Jesus! Holy shit it's gangster Jesus! Holy shit it's fonze!