IRL PICS! (if you want to)

I will present an ultimatum:

I will post a picture of my sexy self as soon as:
1: I have a solid Internet connection.
2: Woot sends me that T9K T-shirt I won in November. (Pretty please?)

It's okay if you are ugly bro. Don't take it out on all of us by bogarting a legitimate picture of your full frontal face... The longer you hold out on us the more RSMV is going to photoshop your face on ponies.
It's okay if you are ugly bro. Don't take it out on all of us by bogarting a legitimate picture of your full frontal face... The longer you hold out on us the more RSMV is going to photoshop your face on ponies.
Now this I would love to see! I'd even legitimately pay money to see it happen :D
Now this I would love to see! I'd even legitimately pay money to see it happen :D
pyro cropped face on ponies?

Hooray! So this is what goes on while I'm away... You all look lovely, especially Jerzey, Conrod, and Casham <3

In order from oldest to newest:

Hiking with my geology class to look at some "interesting" rocks (taken about a year ago)

One of my senior pictures (taken about a half year ago)

Eating sushi with a few relatives (taken a week ago, I'm top left)

I'll be back at college tomorrow and will be able to participate in the funtivities on a more daily basis from then on. Keep up the good work those who serve in the military <3