IRL PICS! (if you want to)

same with me....
EDIT: 1000th post !!!
Vorsprung, you said you would post pics of yourself when you got your t9k shirt. Why are there no pics? I see how it is.
Look, I'm getting to it.
I had to wash the Texas out of the shirt.

But there is one image of me. If it's not in this thread, it's in "The Most Sexy Day Ever".
EDIT: Here's the quote of the image and shit.
Speaking of which.

This is an amazing picture, amazing coincidence.

So, I was going to a fancy restaurant for me birthday, and I order a dessert that was just called "That Flaming Banana". (Giggity.)
And they serve it on the table, and then, pour brandy all the way 'round it, and set it on fire.
Rather, I set it on fire.
View attachment 102348
(Yes. That's me. Admire.)
That happens with EVERY word. Seriously.
I think it's called jamais vu, the opposite of deja vu (Something familiar becomes unfamiliar).

Though I can think of some exceptions. For instance, the word "Derp" will never sound weird to me because it already sounds weird in the first place.

Edit: The word weird is sounding weird to me now because I'm overusing the weirdness of it.